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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is transforming the industry and as cost continues to reduce, wider adoption is increasing at a fast pace in order to reduce emissions and confront climate change.

All power generation facilities require power electronics no matter the technology.
Thermal management is now the limiting factor for electrical inverters and converters embedded in the grid.
Packaging size is of increasing importance, smaller cooling systems save cost, weight and volume.

Market Sectors

Calyos' technology is applicable to a wide range of energy applications due to the renewables trend.

Solar Power
Wind Power
Hydro Power

Battery Energy Storage Systems

Grid Infrastructure

Substations & Conversion Systems

EV Chargers

Are you facing some of these challenges?

Engineers across different industries are facing similar challenges as they look to resolve each thermal problem they face.

Cost & Complexity

Long, complex lines and a complex array of connections and control valves.

Thermal Performance

New electronics are smaller and more powerful due to user demands.

Weight & Volume

Larger pumps and longer lines add weight and volume reducing efficiency.

Energy Consumption

Increased pump requirements due to additional pressure drop and increased flow rate.


Electronics now control all safety measures plus, water poses risk for short circuits.

Two-phase can solve these problems.

Calyos' two-phase cooling systems deliver viable, cost competitive solutions to the challenges engineers are facing.

Cost & Complexity

Self-regulating systems that require no controls, operating only when heat is applied.

Thermal Performance

Vaporization inherently has an extremely high heat transfer co-efficient.

Weight & Volume

Remove the need for pumps, connectors, valves and controls to save valuable space.

Energy Consumption

Two-phase is inherently passive, harnessing the latent heat of vaporization.


Dielectric fluid and self-regulation removes the risk of short-circuits and failure.

Typical Applications

Regardless of the market segment the same applications require cooling.

Power Electronics

Power Electronics

  • Inverter
  • On-Board Chargers
  • Converter

Advancements in nano-technology (including GaN & SiC) are creating components with ever increasing heat density, combine this with the need to reduce packaging weight and volume and power electronics are increasingly difficult to thermally manage.

Learn More


  • Pouch Cell
  • Cylindrical Cell
  • Prismatic Cell

Advancements in battery chemistry combined with demanding user needs such as fast charging are resulting in battery packs becoming increasingly difficult to thermally manage.

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Trying to cool something different?

No worries! Calyos an develop custom solutions for your application, share some initial details with us and we can begin to consider the best technology.
Common requests include: Heat Transfer Applications, Power Supplies, Turbines...

Request Feasibility Analysis

Renewable energy

Use Cases

There are thousands of use cases for our technology. Here we have selected a few examples to give you an idea of how our solutions can be used. Don't be afraid if you have something different - reach out to us and we can validate the application through an initial feasibility analysis.

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Our solution was designed to remove 4.2kW heat from three IGBT modules. Multiple inverter modules were located within a single solar farm site.

Renewable Energy



Solar Inverter

Our solution was designed to remove 4.2kW heat from three IGBT modules. Multiple inverter modules were located within a single solar farm site.
Power Electronics
Fully aluminum, lightweight, quieter solution that provides higher thermal performance enabling better component efficiency and longer component lifetime.

Renewable Energy


Renewable Energy Inverter

Fully aluminum, lightweight, quieter solution that provides higher thermal performance enabling better component efficiency and longer component lifetime.
Power Electronics

Let's Get Started

Schedule an introductory call with one of Calyos' two-phase experts.

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