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BISANCE Project Update 2022


Charleroi, Belgium


January 6, 2023

Calyos has provided a second project update in regard to the status of the EU funded BISANCE project.

Calyos has produced the attached video to provide the latest project update in regard to the status of the EU funded BISANCE project. The video highlights a reduced scale demonstrator that has been tested in Calyos' laboratory to validate the performance of the system with the Sonaca's carbon fiber composite panel technology.

Summary of the context and overall objectives of the project.

The project intends to test in icing wind tunnel (IWT) one demonstrator of engine air intake integrated in a nacelle and equipped with an innovative biphasic heat transport system for regenerating the energy from the oil of the engine. The objective, by testing the technology in a representative environment, is to reach TRL5. At the end of the project the technology will be able to be further developed towards TRL6 to 9 with the final aim to be transferred to the aeronautic value chain.
A paper will be presented by Vincent DUPONT at the joint 21st International Heat Pipe Conference and 15th International Heat Pipe Symposium in Melbourne, Australia in February. A full scale demonstrator will be tested in February with Airbus Defence and Space team (topic leader). 

If you would like to read more about the project follow this link.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 865113. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 202 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union. The information shared here is from the project's members; Calyos, Airbus, Sonaca and RTA and the JU is not responsible for the information disseminated. 

Further reading:

Watch Video

About Calyos

Who We Are
Calyos is a leader in the design and manufacture of two-phase thermal management systems. Building on our heritage from Euro Heat Pipes (EHP) and their space technology expertise, we specialize in innovative cooling solutions that tackle the thermal challenges of tomorrow.
What We Do
We engineer advanced cooling technologies, including loop heat pipes, micro-channel heat pipes, and pulsating heat pipes, to optimize thermal performance across a variety of applications. Typically these include: power electronics, processors, and batteries, but we don't stop there we are continuing to develop and produce fully customizable solutions for other specific needs, for example e-motors and fuel cells.
Where We Operate
Calyos is headquartered in Charleroi, Belgium, where our engineering and production teams work side by side in a state-of-the-art facility. From this base, we serve a global clientele, providing our cutting-edge solutions across North America, Asia, Europe, and South America.
When We Started
Calyos was incorporated in 2014 as a spin-off from Euro Heat Pipes (EHP), which was established in 2001 and has become a major player in the European satellite market. Since then, Calyos has been adapting and evolving EHP's space-grade cooling technologies for terrestrial applications.
Why We Matter
Our mission is to lead the industry towards adopting the most effective and sustainable thermal management solutions. We aim to address the most pressing thermal challenges in the data-driven and electrified environments of today, leveraging passive cooling technologies to achieve superior efficiency and environmental stewardship.
How We Succeed
Our success is driven by our commitment to four core values:
1. Applied Knowledge - Transforming deep technical expertise into market-ready solutions.
2. Better Together - Emphasizing collaboration with all stakeholders to enhance our collective success.
3. Inherent Flexibility - Adapting our solutions and practices to keep pace with evolving market demands.
4. Continuous Research - Persistently innovating to maintain our leadership in thermal technology.

Media contact

Ben Sutton
Marketing & Business Development Manager

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